News from the Nest — March 5, 2021

Posted March 5, 2021

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Vol. 5, No. 25

Thank You to Our School Sponsors!

We’d like to take a moment to say a special thank-you to all of our school sponsors — these businesses have stepped up to support our school in so many ways during this very strange and difficult year. Check them out here and consider supporting them in return!

Parking Reminder

We would like to remind our families who park at the intersection of Louisiana and Logan for drop-off and pick-up to please be mindful of blocking the alleyway, RTD bus stops, and driveways in this area. Thank you for helping us be respectful of our school neighbors!

Extra News

  • During the month of March, we’re celebrating our third school value, challenge yourself!
  • Check out our March 2021 lunch menu here.
  • Mark your calendars for our upcoming PTA events:
    • Mon., 3/8 — McKinley Monday @ Divino Wine & Spirits — all day, 25% of Divino’s profits will be donated to McKinley, so please stop by! 
    • Tues., 3/9 — Birdcall Restaurant Day — dine with Birdcall all day and they’ll donate 35% of sales back to our school!
    • Thurs., 3/11, 7:00pm-8:00pm — March PTA meeting — Zoom link will be posted on ClassDojo.
  • Save-the-date: Spring Break is Monday, March 29 to Monday, April 5. School resumes on Tuesday, April 6. 
  • ECE ONLY: ECE students have no school on Friday, March 26. This day is a professional training day for our ECE staff. 

Upcoming Events

Click here to view the McKinley-Thatcher school calendar.