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Posted May 20, 2021
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Dear McKinley-Thatcher families —
We have just a few days of school left — wow! I’d like to take a moment to share some information about next school year with you, as well as an important request from our PTA.
As you make decisions for your student’s learning options next school year, it is important to understand that remote learning will look different than it did this year. Elementary students who choose remote learning for the 2021-22 school year will participate in a centrally-run remote elementary school for the entire school year. Students will learn from home through a combination of live instruction and self-paced assignments, but will not receive instruction from McKinley-Thatcher teachers. McKinley-Thatcher will NOT be live-streaming or teaching any remote classes for the 2021-22 school year (unless the COVID guidelines change again!).
Families who would like to enroll their student in remote learning for the 2021-22 school year must complete the Learning Option Selection form on ParentPortal or contact our office at (720) 424-5600 by June 4. If you choose the remote learning option, you are committing to attend remote schooling for the entirety of the 2021-22 school year. Students cannot easily switch back and forth between in-person and remote learning next year; instead, families must follow the district’s mid-year transfer process. It’s also important to know that, if a family chooses remote learning for the 2021-22 school year, we will hold your spot at McKinley for the 2022-23 school year.
For help in completing the Learning Option Selection form, please see these instructions. For more information about remote learning, attend the upcoming Elementary Remote Learning School Info Session on Tuesday, May 24 from 9:00am to 10:00am using this Zoom link, or call our office at (720) 424-5600.
Students who are transportation-eligible for the 2021-22 school year and who intend to use transportation services need to opt-in to services via ParentPortal by the end of May. The opt-in form will close at the end of May and reopen in August. If you don’t know if your student is eligible for transportation, click here to learn more or contact with questions.
Our PTA plays a vital role in helping fund field trips, teacher development, family assistance, and positions like our school librarian and paraprofessional support. We need a few committed individuals to serve on our PTA board and auction committee.
The board has four official positions, but the responsibilities are shared among board members. Our current PTA President has reached the end of their term limit, but will be available next year to provide guidance to new board members. We already have one volunteer for President, but we need three more to fill the important roles of Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President.
Our PTA’s in-person auction is typically held in April each year. It’s the primary fundraiser for the PTA budget (and the school!). The auction is a LOT of fun and we have some regular vendor support and a list of tasks and example plans from prior years that can be followed.
We really need your help! If you are available to participate in a role on our PTA board or auction committee, please reach out to our PTA at
All the best,
Sonia Geerdes, Principal