News from the Nest — September 17, 2021

Posted September 17, 2021

News from the Nest logo

Vol. 6, No. 4

Join PTA for Coffee at Their First Meeting of the Year!

Please join our PTA on our playground next Tuesday, September 21 at 7:30am (right after drop-off) for the first PTA meeting of the year! Bring your own cup for the free coffee and learn about what PTA does for our school community, get to know other families, and find out how you can get involved! Email if you are interested in a virtual option or if you cannot attend.

And, save-the-date for our next PTA event: Movie Night @ McT!

McKinley families, mark your calendars for Movie Night on Friday, October 1, outside on the McKinley grounds! We’ll have pizza and snacks for sale starting at 6:00pm and the movie starts at 7:00pm. Our kids will vote on which movie to watch — more information about this is coming soon!

Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair Is September 29 to October 1!

We’ll be selling books at our fair outside in the art room courtyard immediately after school from Wednesday, September 29 to Friday, October 1! The fair includes a pre-sale for the next book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Big Shot

Just a reminder that our school earns money back from the fair, so your purchases really help! The funds raised through the fair have bought books for our school library, replenished our Reading is Fundamental (RIF) selection, and purchased culturally diverse books for classrooms. 

We Need Your Help To Make the Fair a Success!

Please consider volunteering at our fair. For every shift that you volunteer for, you can choose a free book for your family! Check out our SignUpGenius to see how you can help.

In Other News…

  • Just a reminder: we have NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 24 or Monday, September 27.

  • Scanning your Box Tops is an easy way to support our school! Box Tops for Education are now virtual — scan your Box Tops to help McKinley raise money! Visit Box Tops for Education for more information.

  • A reminder about use of our grounds: when using our grounds after-hours, please throw trash away in trash cans and try to keep track of masks, jackets, etc.

  • A reminder about parking & crosswalks: please be respectful of our neighbors’ driveways when parking during drop-off and pick-up times. DO NOT park in our fire lane (in front of our building) or our bus zone on S. Logan St. Please also utilize our crosswalks instead of jaywalking across Logan St. or Louisiana Ave. Thank you!

Upcoming Events

Click here to view the McKinley-Thatcher school calendar.

  • Tues., 9/21First PTA meeting of the year, 7:30am on the playground (bring a cup for free coffee!)
  • Thurs., 9/23 — September Student Recognition Assembly, 7:45am on Google Meet
  • Fri., 9/24 — NO SCHOOL (McKinley Teacher Planning Day)
  • Mon., 9/27 — NO SCHOOL (DPS Teacher Planning Day)
  • Weds., 9/29 to Fri., 10/1 — Fall Book Fair, after school in our art room courtyard (enter from the alleyway)
  • Fri., 10/1 — PTA Movie Night, on the playground! Pizza & snacks for sale at 6:00pm, movie starts at 7:00pm