
3rd-5th Grade CMAS Testing — April 2022

3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students will be participating in our annual Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) testing in April 2022. Click below for more information!

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News from the Nest — April 18, 2022

In this newsletter: World Down Syndrome Day celebration, Modern Plate fundraiser, auction donation reminder, & more!

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News from the Nest — March 11, 2022

In this newsletter: PTA’s March meeting, our Modern Plate Meal Delivery fundraiser, reminder about donating to our school auction, plans for World Down Syndrome Day, and more!

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News from the Nest — March 4, 2022

In this newsletter: donate to support our school auction, participate in our Modern Plate Meal Delivery fundraiser, and more!

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McKinley-Thatcher Annual Auction — May 2022

The McKinley-Thatcher PTA relies on our annual auction to raise money for critical needs within our school. Click below to see event information, sign up to bid, or make a donation!

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News from the Nest — February 25, 2022

In this newsletter: PTA’s next fundraiser, special shoutout to our school sponsors, reminder about the end of the mask mandate, & more!

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News from the Nest — February 18, 2022

In this newsletter: Summer Connections summer program for K-4th graders, save-the-date for our school auction, and more!

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Principal’s Update: Upcoming Change to Mask Mandate

Please click below to read our school information about the upcoming change to the mask mandate in Denver Public Schools.

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News from the Nest — February 11, 2022

In this newsletter: February PTA meeting, Chipotle Restaurant Night fundraiser, update to DPS’s COVID-19 notification process, and more!

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