
News from the Nest — April 16, 2021

In this newsletter: our virtual Cultural Festival + new bell times for next year!

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Virtual Cultural Festival: Friday, April 23

All our McKinley-Thatcher families are invited to celebrate our annual Cultural Festival with us on Friday, April 23 from 5:00pm to 6:15pm! New this year, the festival is going 100% virtual. Because of this big change, our festival looks differentContinue Reading

New Bell Times for Next School Year (2021-2022)

We wanted to let you know about some changes to Transportation Services that will affect our school’s schedule next year. Beginning in the 2021-22 school year, DPS will begin using a three-tier system for bell times.

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News from the Nest — April 9, 2021

In this newsletter: reminder about Class Picture Day on 4/15, supports for students observing Ramadan, Discovery Link registration, and more!

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New Families, Welcome to McKinley-Thatcher for the 2021-22 School Year!

Our teachers and staff are committed to offering your child hands-on, individualized learning filled with opportunities for academics, arts, music, technology, physical education, and field trips. At McKinley-Thatcher, we inspire authentic, joyful learners who are ready to explore the world!

News from the Nest — March 26, 2021

In this newsletter: Class Picture Day info, save-the-date for our Cultural Festival, and have a wonderful Spring Break!

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Response to Boulder Shooting

Once again, tragedy has struck Colorado, and we want to do everything we can to help our students, staff, and families process these events.

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News from the Nest — March 19, 2021

In this newsletter: FREE DPS health fair + reminder about Spring Break dates!

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Statement in Support of Our Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Members

The McKinley-Thatcher community of staff, families, and partners is committed to anti-racist education and support for all of our students and families. We stand in solidarity with the Asian community, and with our AAPI students, families, and teammates. We mustContinue Reading